To those who are unfamiliar with the industry, strategic communications is a fairly vague concept. To work in communications is to immerse oneself in the development of narratives, whether in the media, among business leaders, or within the policymaking community. At its core, the industry orients itself around the process of personalizing current events; transforming that issue into our issue.

At SKDKnickerbocker, I stand at the nexus of political, cultural and corporate influence. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside exceptionally talented minds, industry leaders who effortlessly sculpt the issues of the day into bite-sized narratives that are then distributed to different pockets of the American family. Our messaging serves to consolidate the interests of seemingly disparate communities, a mission of vital importance in today’s era of intense partisanship.
What’s more, SKDKnickerbocker has stood at the forefront of the progressive movement. Whether it be working to secure marriage equality or leading the pro-choice charge, several of the movement’s recent achievements can be partially attributed to the work we commit ourselves to every day.
My workday moves at a rapid pace, which, as a New Yorker, I warmly welcome. At any given moment I may be asked to write a memo for a corporate client or dig deep into policy for one of our congressional candidates. My tasks are almost always relevant to the day’s headlines, which is befitting of an organization that excels in fomenting public support.
Thanks to SKDKnickerbocker, I will walk away with the skills necessary to endow marginalized communities with the strategic aptitude of leaders in the public and private sector. My time spent here has undoubtedly enhanced my capacity to build a better tomorrow and bolstered my appreciation of balancing the interests of one group with the needs of a larger community.